Meet Taylor

I am a Black, queer, nonbinary person who revels in cultivating spaces where queer people thrive. My career is a kaleidoscope of all things queer: queer arts and entertainment, publishing, queer nightlife, community fundraising, and directing a queer university resource center. I approach my work with thoughtfulness, creativity, ease, and precision. Let’s dream up something beautiful.

My journey

  • Earned my B.A. in English with a Creative Writing Emphasis in Poetry from Stanford University

  • Developed LGBTQ K-12 film collections and educational materials annually, including media guides and lesson plans, to support classroom use of the films.

  • Increased branding exposure for multicultural women's press focused on writing by Black, Indigenous, Latinx, queer, trans, disabled, immigrant, and other minoritized communities.

  • Produced monthly dance party fundraisers for 1,000 queer community members in Oakland, CA.

  • Facilitated multi-year strategic plan to overhaul every aspect of QSR's structure. Developed programming geared towards diverse student population (Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian, Muslim, Trans, Queer, Non-Binary, and other student groups). Founded Strategy Lab, an employee resource group (ERG) to foster collaboration across departments and develop strategies to better address the needs of minoritized Stanford students.